Monday, February 05, 2007

On our trip to the mall last week, we had three (3!) Ugg sightings. This one though, just took the cake. I mean, really, STOP THE MADNESS! And for Pete's sake, there's a CHILD involved here. Can't someone DO something?!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no...There is a definite risk to reading blogs...Today, I innocently experienced an Ugg sighting, at least it was innocent until it provoked a memory of this blog!!! Why is it named blog anyway, and why are they named Uggs??? And why when there are a million important things to remeber why do I see Uggs and think of this blog??? The Uggs I saw did look out of place as the rest of the outfit was a red skirt and a nice blue sweater...Planes are safer!!!

9:02 PM  

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